Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Custom Blaster Master Sophia III keshi

Custom Blaster Master Sophia III keshi, designed by me and CAD'd up by my good bud over at Brownnoize Productions.

Blaster Master holds a special place in my childhood, and to this day is still one of my favorite Nes games. As a kid I dreamt about having a toy version of the main vehicle, the Sophia III. Now 25 years later I get my Holy Grail by the super talented Brownnoize Productions who was gracious enough to help me out on this endeavor. :) Forever grateful!

Will have this sexy beast for sale soon as well. ;)

-  8-pieces of awesome
-  Price to be determined at a later date.



  1. Hi,
    I am really interrested in this kit.
    Is this 3D printed? What do you sell?
    Is there a painted version?


    1. The original was 3D printed. I recasted it in rubber and resin. Sadly i do not make this anymore, the mold is long gone and destroyed. I plan on re-releasing it again, hopefully in the near future. Follow me on Instagram for my up to date info, i abandoned this blog long ago. :)

    2. The original was 3D printed. I recasted it in rubber and resin. Sadly i do not make this anymore, the mold is long gone and destroyed. I plan on re-releasing it again, hopefully in the near future. Follow me on Instagram for my up to date info, i abandoned this blog long ago. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for reply. Too bad for the mold : (
    Im looking forward for the re-release.

  4. Hi any news regarding selling this piece of art?
    Interested in this model.

    Thank you
